UtterBerry is a UK based technology and R&D company and the provider of the UtterBerry smart sensor system. Focused on creating novel and innovative technology to confront the future and develop smarter, more informed and more reactive environments. Whether it be security and crowd monitoring at a sporting venue or sub-millimetre infrastructure sensing on large scale construction sites, UtterBerry’s innovative technology can create a smarter world.

The UtterBerry Sensor
The UtterBerry Sensor System leads our innovative product line. Made up of a collection of sensors, no bigger than a matchbox, placed throughout a project site the system of sensors communicate amongst themselves with no need for line of sight.
The system relays all of the data collected to a basestation which in turn relays the data to our utterberry.io portal through our patented UtterBerry blockchain for secure and safe data collection and transfer.

AI & Machine Learning
The UtterBerry Sensor has onboard artificial intelligence and machine learning, allowing them to not only communicate with each other with ease, but also learn as each project advances.
The AI and ML work together to generate an understanding of the environment that is unparalleled in other sensing solutions and forms the backbone of the UtterBerry sensors unique abilities and unrivalled sensing capabilities.

The utterberry.io portal allows the data that the sensor system collects to be viewed, interacted with and independently active.
Utilising custom 3D models that allow users to more accurate envision the measurements the sensors are receiving we can provide accurate visual information reflecting the situation on site.
This same portal can be used to set up alerts for relevant personnel, if any unexpected issues arise an alert can be sent instantly to all those who require the information, allowing for time and money to be saved.

The Company
The company is based in London where it designs and develops its own hardware and software technologies, along with a new development in Leeds, housing our Manufacturing & Innovation hub.
Its Smart sensors are all manufactured within the UK and exported throughout the world for a large range of projects.

Founder & CEO
UtterBerry was founded in 2013 by Heba Bevan as a spin-out from Cambridge University. Heba attended The University of Cambridge to do her PhD in low power wireless sensor networks, it was during her PhD that Heba founded UtterBerry.
Today, Heba now has multiple patents to her name in a wide range of fields from manufacturing and engineering to medicine and sensing.

Quotes About UtterBerry
"The integration of the UtterBerry chip technology within our exclusive swing badges (provided) us with a comprehensive understanding of attendee movement throughout our venue. UtterBerry's onboard artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities offer predictive insights, enabling our management teams to proactively address potential crowd surges. For exclusive badges requiring identification, cameras linked with the UtterBerry system can locate the badges and associate them with individuals."
George R Vaughan, Ascot Racecourse

“The sensors were used to monitor a series of brick arches that arches are among the oldest structures on the Underground network, but still carry several hundred trains a day. […] The UtterBerry system monitored the vibration and displacement of the arches as this took place, with simple installation and extremely high accuracy helping the works to go smoothly.”
Sujay Surji, BFK

“Access to real-time data provided much-needed reassurance to both engineers, the client and stakeholders that nearby sensitive receivers were unaffected by our works. Valuable improvements in health and safety throughout the trail period were also realised, with remote monitoring replacing the need to send engineers into the field to take readings. When compared with traditional deployment , costs can also be reduced with regard to both capital and resources.”
Andy Wong, Gammon

“Successful tests were constructed with the UtterBerry Sensor System since its installation in June 2019. This was the first installation of the sensor in a University in the UK and has been instrumental in providing a proactive approach to researchers returning to work in our laboratories. The data gathered has been extremely helpful for both UtterBerry and Swansea University, providing staff and students with an added level of safety and security with regards to COVID-19 detection.”
Professor Owen J Guy, Swansea University

“In many cases the Covid detection measures have been human operated scanners. In my opinion the demand for a system like UtterBerry's COVID multi-symptom scanner sensor is huge and I very much look forward to working with Heba and the team to support their deployments of the sensors not only In the UK, but globally, and help showcase more cutting edge uk Innovation that can have huge social and economic impact around the world.”
Andrew Cockburn, Catapult